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 Amy Allen and Orli Shoshan @ Dutch Comic Con 2023
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 03/07/2023 :  07:13:30 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote


Gerade wurden Amy Allen und Orli Shoshan als
Special Guests fuer die Heroes Dutch Comic Con 2023 bekannt
gegeben. Die Dutch Comic Con findet vom 24-25. Juni 2023
in Utrecht statt.
Sichert euch Tickets hier:

Zum ersten Mal gibt es die Sommer Edition.

Amy Allen and Orli Shoshan have been announced as special
guests for Dutch Comic Con Summer edition.
The Con will take place in summer for the first time, held at
Utrecht, Nl from June 24-25th 2023.

Secure your tickets here and check out more info

Amy Allen (born October 24, 1976) is an American actress and film crew member who portrayed
the JediMaster Aayla Secura in Star Wars films released in 2002 and 2005. She worked behind the
scenes on many different movies, including A.I. Artificial Intelligence, before she acted in Star Wars.
A production assistant with Industrial Light & Magic at the time Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the
Cloneswas being filmed, Allen was selected to portray Jedi Knight Aayla Secura, a humanoid of the
Twilek species with distinctive head tails and blue skin. The character was a last-minute addition to
the Episode II script; she had been created for a licensed Star Wars comic book by Dark Horse
Comics and was added to the film after Lucas saw a cover illustration of the character. Allen had
previously been cast as an extra in the DVD release of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace as
a Twilek as well.
She reprised her role as Aayla Secura in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. Her character is
killed by clone troopers as part of the Jedi Purge. 

ORLI SHOSHAN was raised in Israel. At the age of 18 she served in the Israeli Army for almost 2
years. After her military service she began working for an Israeli airline, which brought her to the
United States to reside in Chicago, IL. During her employment for “EL AL” she grew a great
passion for traveling when visiting places such as India, Thailand and Australia.

ORLI grew most fond of the Oz people and way of life so she decided to move to Sydney,
Australia. There she began her successful modeling career enjoying print work in magazines &
catalogues, then on to the runway and many television commercials. All of this hard work would
eventually culminate into her acting role in the popular Sci-Fi franchise "Star Wars”! ORLI played
the exotic Elian, Jedi Master, Shaak Ti in “Star Wars- Ep II and Ep III”. Shaak Ti is a popular
character you can find celebrated through many action figures, LEGO sets, comic books and
video games. While in Australia she would work in other major television shows such as “The
Wheel of Fortune-Australia” presenting prizes, and an exercise & fitness program "Aerobic OZ
style ".
ORLI is not only a successful model and actress, but is also a fashion designer, always creating a
new project for herself. While in Australia she built a clothing line for women’s sportswear called
"ORLI". This line was very successful and featured clothing to wear to the gym or just a busy day
out about. “ORLI” sportswear was sold at high end boutiques and gyms across Australia. After
several years she moved, from Australia, to Japan to further her modeling career. Living in Japan
was a very interesting and unique time for ORLI, including being a featured guest at her very first
“Star Wars” convention.
After many years of traveling the world, ORLI went back to her roots and moved to Israel to
attend the prestigious acting school “The Studio” by Yuval Carmi. Once she finished acting
school, she decided to start a second fashion line, this time for lingerie, called "Mia Luce".
ORLI SHOSHAN currently resides in Chicago, IL, where she first began her travels. She is now
married and is a wonderful mother to two beautiful girls. After taking some time off from her
modeling and acting career, ORLI is back to work. She is very happy with her current career path
and looking towards a bright future. She also loves staying busy by attending many Sci-fi
conventions around the world. Currently owns a Luxury Home Staging & Interior Design company
in Chicago called O Designs By Orli Shoshan.

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."


3096 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2023 :  05:09:31 AM  Show Profile Send Trooper31 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Warst du auf der Dutch Comic-Con Volker?

Dear Hasbro...........
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2023 :  05:23:58 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Aehm, ja...


"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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3096 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2023 :  06:25:21 AM  Show Profile Send Trooper31 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by volkerc

Aehm, ja...


Danke habe ich das übersehen.............

Dear Hasbro...........
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