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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 11/17/2016 :  4:12:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Der Versuch ein verschwundenes Topic nach und nach wieder herzustellen.

Page 1: Some Collectibles
Page 2: Video Library
Page 3: Boba Fett Collection

5718 single carded figures
130 3-packs
151 12-inch figures boxed
278 larger boxed ships
66 loose ships
996 loose figures
8975 total figure count on cards, boxes, etc.

...amongst other stuff

OTC TRU's Window Cling

Lobby Card


old meets new. Vintage mail in display with new figures,Commtech Jawa, VOTC Stormie,2007 Death Star Trooper,2006 Endor C-3PO,
Vintage Obi-Wan, 30th Anniv. Tin Vader remov. helmet, VTSC Tusken Raider, Early Bird Luke, VTOC Han, Early Bird Chewie, Leia, R2(Thanks Jammin jedifor the early bird figs)

Vacuum formed poster

some authographed figures

some italian potf2 figures


Toy Expo Figures

Lucas Strormtrooper Mail Away

a few more

Korean POTF2 Han Solo

Chewbacca Commtech protochip

japanese TOMY 100th Figure

japanese Post OTC Sandtrooper

japanese ROTS Clone Commander

japanese 12 inch signed Nalini Krishan Barriss Offee

japanese signed Anthony Daniels C-3P0

japanese signed Daniel Logan Boba Fett

japanese signed Zam Wesell

japanese signed Lama Su

japanese signed Maria De Aragon Greedo

japanese signed Shaak-Ti

signed Femi Taylor Oola

Mark Boudreaux (Hasbro) signed Endor Soldier

european ROTS "Target" Clone, missing chest emblem error

french exclusive "Target" Clone

french exclusive "Target" Clone, unpainted vents error

Toy Fair Vader, european Variant

japanese 500th Figure, Darth Vader with japanese shipping box

japanese Emperor and Dignitary

some THX Figures

Unleashed Darth Sidious Variants

Freeze Frame GREEN saber Luke! (one of a kind?)

POTF2 Standard Green Tag Luke, first possible datestamp

Battlefront Store Display

Battlefront boxed Store Display in Mailer

chinese Battlefront Scout Trooper

Luke Skywalker / Wedge Antilles error Millennium Falcon carry case

AOTC Saga Yoda with C-3P0 insert error

Woolworth U.K. Vintage Style Exclusive Darth Vader and Shelftalker

French Star Wars Reunion Anakin Exclusive

Mexican Saga Leia Organa

Toys R Us Store Flag

German Commtalk Reader Store display

2nd German Commtalk Version Store display

K-Mart 25th Anniversary Cardboard Shelve Top store display

German DVD Cardboard store display

German cardboard Tie Fighter store display

1997 spanish Frigo Store Display

AOTC Top part of DVD store display

AOTC Header display

2002 German store display

German cardboard ROTS DVD store display

German vacuum formed ROTS store display

TRU's ROTS plastic board Store display

German ROTS collectible cup store display

Need a drink?

German ROTS DVD cloth banner store displays

German trilogy DVD cloth banner store displays

2011 German DVD Cloth banners

Hasbro Saga poster

2006 Hasbro Poster

2009 Hasbro Poster

2010 Hasbro Poster

2011 Hasbro Poster

TRU's Germany store advertisement poster

TRU's german Clone Wars store display

Countdown Clock cardboard

TRU's german Clone Wars Countdown clock cardboard

U.S. Cardboard Store display

TRU's german Countdown clock cardboard cover for Force Friday

TRU's german Countdown clock cardboard cover for movie start

german Episode 7 Store display

TRU's E7 german Store display

E7 German DVD cardboard shelve small

TRU's german store posters

TRU's german store plastic covers

E7 small asian Han Solo Vinyl Poster

E7 german Movie Banner

E7 german shoe store Deichmann store display

E7 german DVD release desk cardboard store display

E7 german shelftalker DVD release store display

E7 german DVD release complete set of posters

E7 german DVD release Movie poster

E7 Swedish Cloth Advertisement Banner

Takara Tomy japanese Newspaper flyer/ad

Rogue One german TRU's store display

Rogue One german top of DVD store display for E7 in 3D

Rogue One Exclusive Movie Theater poster

Rogue One german Movie Theater poster

Rogue One 3D Glasses with display

Rogue One Movie Theater Popcorn tins

Rogue One Movie Theater drink cups

Rogue One Movie Theater Ticket Collectors Tin with coin

Rogue One large german movie theater banner

Rogue One large german movie theater banner, single character

Rogue One German DVD release poster

Rogue One DVD release large German store banner

Rogue One DVD release German Cardboard

Rogue One DVD/BluRay release german store display

Rogue One Belgian DVD BluRay Release Store display

Rogue One Belgian and German store displays for the DVD/BluRay release

Rogue One small German store display counter size, DVD release

Rogue One German DVD/BluRay store display

Rogue One Belgian Countdown lifesize K-2S0 from store chain fnac

Rogue One Belgian Movie Theatre advertisement, printed on both sides, approx. 2 meter by 1 meter in size, used at toy store Dreamland

Rogue One Belgian Cardboard Display

Rogue One DVd release, german 40th Ann. shelve talker

Rogue One DVD U.S. release topper

Rogue One Tombag Crew Gift

Rogue One ILM Crew Gift pin

TRU's germany Rogue One Store displays

Rogue One Spencer Wilding authograph

Rogue One promo cap for Media/Press

Sam's Club Exclusive Rogue One Visual Guide mit beleuchteten
K2 Augen auf Knopfdruck

German Elstree 1976 movie poster, used at Hasbros Event in Berlin, 5/25/17

SDCC 2017 Hasbro breakfast handout pin

E8 Tru's Germany Find the Force lifesize Display set

E8 Tru's Germany shelve display side and top cover

E8 German Teaser Poster 59x84 cm

E8 German Teaser Poster 84x118 cm

E8 German Movie Poster 59x84cm

E8 Movie Theater cup

E8 Duracell promo poster from Netherland

E8 German store display

E8 Tru's germany Store display tops

E8 German vinyl Movie Theatre Banner, 2.50x1.30 meters in size

E8 German Movie Theatre display

E8 German DVD release poster

E8 German DVD release Store Standees

E8 German DVD release sale display

E8 German DVD release Banner

Solo, A Star Wars story german movie theatre standee

Solo, A Star Wars story german movie poster

Solo, A Star Wars story german movie poster

Solo, A Star Wars story german movie poster

Solo, A Star Wars story large german movie banner

Solo, A Star Wars story german movie menu drink cups, 2 out of 4

Solo, A Star Wars story german movie theatre playbook

Solo, A Star Wars story Drissi Advertising Movie Theater Display

Solo, A Star Wars story, german DVD release poster

Solo, A Star Wars story, german DVD store display

Solo, A Star Wars story, german DVD store display

E9 Triple Force Friday Germany Hasbro Cardboard Display

E9 German opening night handout poster

E9 German Teaser poster 1

E9 German Teaser poster 2

E9 German Movie poster

E9 German Movie Banner, large

E9 German Movie Display

E9 Movie Theater cups

E9 Movie Theater cups

E9 Hasbro german Store display

E9 Hasbro german DVD/Bluray display

E9 german DVD/Bluray release unused store standees

E9 german Store Display for the DVD release, front and back

E9 german store poster and hanger

E9 Rise of Skywalker german Store displays for the DVD/BluRay release

Mandalorian store shelf talker

German store display for the Saga rerelease 2020

2020 Asda UK Retro Collection Store display

Target Droid Store display

Battlefront 2 PS4 Banner

Battlefront 2 Gamescon Germany, Cologne, 6x6 meter Banner

Hasbro employee shirt from the VOTC Collection

TRU's Taiwan Flyer

Kellogs Lightsaber display

French error lobby card. Says ESB on it but is ROTJ scene.

Gallery Guide

LFL Book

a cabinet

Clone Commander manual in all 5 released language versions

Empire Exclusive Figure

Netherland E7 Book with store display

Kotobukiya Poster

Wal-Mart Store display security gate cover

Nintendo Roque Squadron U.S. Store display

German special edition cardboard store display

Hasbro Comic Con Book

2009 LFL Christmas card

some figures in Star cases

German Kenner store display

some Boxes

Comic Con Exclusives

japanese stickered Comic Con Luke

mexican exclusive Luke and Yoda

mexican Jodo Kast

mexican Jodo Kast Dack colleccionables exclusive

mexican Spacetrooper

mexican exclusive Grievous

european, japanese stickered POTF2 figures

japanese POTF2 Vader with E1 sticker

VOTC japanese Leia

VOTC japanese Han

VOTS japanese Luke

VOTS japanese Sand People

VOTS japanese Bossk

VOTS japanese Biker Scout

VOTC japanese Lando

VOTC japanese Yoda

VOTC japanese Darth Vader

VOTC japanese C-3P0

Saga store displays

2007 U.S. Figures

2007 european Figures

ROTS ships

some tins

some boxed sets

some more vehicles

Shuttles loose and boxed, both Target variations

ROTS store display with mega buy sets and wal-mart store display

some coin figures

501st Trooper Error, 2 right feet

some 501st Troopers

Skirtless Hoth Trooper variation, loose and carded

Death Star Trooper salesman sample

Death Star Trooper Target Error on Han Solo card

Han Solo Salesman sample

Biggs X-Wing salesman sample

Wave 3 5x Mock-ups and one loose Luke sample. Vader has belt upside down, Biggs has a brown cloak, Luke carries Vaders saber and colors are slightly different. Some figs have slight inner bubble differences. Stormie,Jawa and Biggs have a DS of 63451, the others are in the 70's

30 AC Luke loose sample

Production comparison Luke and Vaporator

Biggs carded sample comparison

Biggs loose sample cloak comparison

Vader, proofcard, sample, production figure

Stormtrooper, proofcard, sample, production figure

Non production Vader coin early sample

Pax Bonkik sample (left) and production figure

early 2-pack sample

Unleashed Aurra Sing proto

Tie Interceptor Pilot proto with (hardcopy?) resin legs

Tie Interceptor

UGH early canadian sample Vader Mock-up

UGH early canadian McQuarrie Vader sample Mock-up

UGH early canadian Luke sample Mock-up

UGH early canadian Umpass Stay sample Mock-up

UGH early canadian Helrot sample Mock-up

UGH early canadian Galactic Marine sample Mock-up

UGH early canadian Airborne Trooper sample Mock-up

UGH early canadian Luke sample

UGH early canadian Han Solo sample

UGH production figures

30AC Coins

Early U.S. 4-LOM sample, Blaster positioned differently than production figure

Canadian Darth Revan

TFU Maris Brood proto/first shot

Sith Lord proto

Padme proto/first shot and early sample black coat

Organa proto

Rebel pilot proto

Ra-7 proto

TFU Shaak-Ti proto/first shot

Senate Security early sample, figure positioned differently

Freeze Frame EV9-D9 error

Canadian Sample missing jacket Han Solo

U.S. sample missing jacket Han Solo

U.S. 1st release Chewbacca variation

Obi-Wan on Han card Error

Nikto on Malakili card Error

some Slave Leias

japanese Jeremoch Colton

Celebration Sticker Jeremoch Colton

japanese Eopie

Qui-Gon proto


Kyle Katarn Proto

At-At Driver proto

Commander Cody proto

V-19 proto

First shot TRU's Landspeeder

Vaders Tie Fighter proto

OTC Gamorrean Guard Mock-up, found at a german TRU's during old stock sale

Black Series pre-production Mock-up

Keychain figure protos

Custom Han Solo carbonite

Turbo Tank sample box and production item

Snowspeeder sample box

Cad Banes Escape sample box

Commander Ponds variation

Epic Encounter sample box and production item

Clone Trooper mockup sample card and production figures

Duel on Mustafar mockup sample box and production item

japanese 501st Stormtrooper

japanese Sandtrooper

japanese Shocktrooper and Darktrooper

japanese Biggs Darklighter

japanese Darth Maul

japanese Darth Revan

japanese Darth Vader

More japanese 30AC

japanese OTC Han Solo

japanese OTC Bossk

japanese OTC Scout Trooper

japanese OTC Slave Leia

japanese Ephant Mon

japanese TC-14

japanese Amidala Ascension gun

japanese Jodo Kast

POTF2 Speeder bike with japanese AND chinese stickers!

2009 japanese Rancor

japanese Yoda and Obi-Wan

japanese Legends Trading Figures with display

Disney Exclusive Cantina Band

Target Hoth Battlepack

Target Endor Battlepack

Target Battle on Mygeeto Battlepack

Target Order 66 sets, U.S. and european boxed

Bantha with Tusken Raider 3rd variation

C4 items

Celebration Europe stuff

Celebration Europe medallions

Saga Lightsaber 2pack

Cancelled B.A.D. 2013 set

Vintage proofcards

Vintage First Wedge card

Vintage mexican Wedge card

Vintage Cloud Car Pilot error

Darth Vader chopped off hand error

Leia missing spear error

Vintage set of "Bobba" Fett error sticker figures

Vintage set of european foil Figure variations

Vintage set of Revenge store cards with offer sticker

Vintage Dengar, first shot proto, loose production, handmade package sample, candian figure, U.S. figure

Vintage Darth Sidious early foil sample(lightning in front), seller sold 3, 2 were destroyed by buyers opening them up.

Vintage early short fur Gamorrean Guard variation

Vintage Mock up

Vintage Target sample box

Vintage Target 3 figure set early sample

Vintage pre-production Endor At-At sample package and production item

2011 SDCC Death Star Exclusive

2011 SDCC Tattoo

SDCC buttons

2021 Vintage Tantive IV Playsets

30AC Coin Album Store display

Fathers day store display

Unleashed Store Display

30AC Store display

Droid Factory store display

Comic Pack store display

Wal-Mart 501st Trooper store display

30AC U.K. store display version 1

30AC U.K. store display version 2

2008 U.K. Legacy Collection Display

2009 U.K. Legacy Collection Display

2010 U.K. Legends and Clone Wars Display

2012 U.K. Clone Wars and Movie Heroes Display Version 1

2012 U.K. Clone Wars and Movie Heroes Display Version 2

Rebels german store display

german E7 store display

some POTF2 Stormtroopers

2008 Legacy Falcon

2008 lose BMF spares complete and incomplete

custom Fiberoptic 2008 BMF

japanese window box At-Te


european At-Te

U.K. Clone Wars promo USB stick

Millennium Falcon Extraordinaire, TRU's USA Store display

Vintage At-At Commander with Revenge of the Jedi sticker

Vintage Imperial Troop Transporter

Vintage Kenner ESB poster

Yps Snowtrooper

german ESB Movie theatre handout flyer

german ESB Movie theatre magazine handout

airbrushed Falcon

Patrol Dewback

Vintage Vinyl cape Jawa

...and that was his card,...

Pepsi Bottle Caps

2bd release Unleashed Darth Vader, carded and loose

japanese Unleashed Stormtrooper

japanese Unleashed IG-88

round boxed Unleashed figures

Unleashed Shadowtrooper

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."

Edited by - volkerc on 10/13/2024 06:31:42 AM

Zopfloser Padawan m. sehr grossem Schwert

2142 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2016 :  03:53:59 AM  Show Profile Send titusillu a Private Message  Reply with Quote
An der Tapete in Deinem Star Wars "Zimmer" musst Du aber noch arbeiten ... LOL ... sonst "as always" most impressive ...

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1607 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2016 :  05:32:53 AM  Show Profile Send Alfred_Hitchcock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey, die Tapete haben meine Eltern auch
Sonst: Ganz großes Kino! Ich hoffe hier geht's noch weiter.
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2016 :  06:17:22 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja geht noch weiter, dauert aber. Wird eine Kopie aus dem Sammeltopic der nicht mehr existenten potf2.com Seite. Ich verwende erstmal die alten Bilder bis ich das Topic einigermassen hergestellt habe.

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:10:48 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:11:29 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:12:02 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:12:46 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:13:18 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:13:55 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:14:36 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:15:15 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:15:53 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:16:27 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:17:07 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2016 :  06:17:45 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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