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 Vintage 2010/2011/2012 european unpunched cards
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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2012 :  2:36:01 PM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hier eine Liste aller bisher in Deutschland gelieferten Karten die nicht "gepuncht" wurden:

VC04 Bespin Luke
VC08 Darth Vader
VC08 Darth Vader (Revenge of the Jedi)3rd card version
VC08 Darth Vader ESB 3rd card version
VC08 Darth Vader ESB 4th card version
VC08 Darth Vader Return of the Jedi 4th card version
VC09 Boba Fett ESB Figure 2nd revised paint job
VC09 Boba Fett Return Figure, Revenge of the Jedi print, 4th card version
VC09 Boba Fett Return Figure, Return of the Jedi print, 4th card version
VC13 Anakin/Darth Vader name change
VC14 Sandtrooper
VC14 Sandtrooper 3rd card version
VC15 Clone Trooper
VC15 Clone Trooper 3rd card version
VC16 Obi-Wan
VC17 Grievous
VC18 Magna guard
VC19 Commander Cody
VC20 Yoda
VC20 Yoda 3rd card version
VC20 Yoda 4th card version
VC21 Gamorrean Guard
VC21 Gamorrean Guard 3rd card version
VC21 Gamorrean Guard 5th card version
VC21 Gamorrean Guard 6th card version
VC22 Ackbar
VC22 Ackbar (Revenge of the Jedi)3rd card version
VC22 Ackbar Return of the Jedi 3rd card version
VC23 Jedi Luke white pill
VC23 Jedi Luke 2nd cardback white pill
VC23 Luke Jedi (Revenge of the Jedi)3rd card version
VC23 Luke Jedi Return of the Jedi 3rd card version silver pill
VC23 Luke Jedi Return of the Jedi 4th card version silver pill
VC24 Skiff Guard Woof
VC24 Skiff guard Woof 3rd card version
VC25 R2,pop up lightsaber,drinktray
VC25 R2,pop up lightsaber,drinktray, euro printed card
VC25 R2,pop up lightsaber,drinktray,3rd card version
VC25 R2,pop up lightsaber,drinktray,Revenge print,4th card version
VC25 R2,pop up lightsaber,drinktray,Return print,4th card version
VC26 Rebel Commando
VC26 Rebel Commando, euro printed card
VC26 Rebel Commando, 3rd card version
VC26 Black Rebel Commando,Revenge print,4th card version
VC27 Wicket
VC27 Wicket 3rd card version
VC27 Wicket Revenge print,4th card version
VC28 Wedge Antilles 3rd card version
VC28 Wedge Antilles 5th card version
VC28 Wedge Antilles 6th card version
VC29 Kit Fisto
VC30 Zam Wesell
VC31 Obi-Wan
VC31 Obi-Wan, euro printed card
VC31 Obi-Wan, 4th card version
VC32 Anakin
VC33 Padme
VC34 Jango Fett
VC34 Jango Fett 3rd card version
VC35 Mace Windu
VC36 Senate Guard 2nd cardback
VC36 Senate Guard 2nd cardback, euro printed card
VC37 Super Battle Droid
VC38 Clone Trooper
VC38 Clone Trooper, euro printed card
VC39 Luke Skywalker
VC39 Luke Skywalker 3rd card version
VC40 R5-D4
VC41 Stormtrooper
VC41 Stormtrooper 2nd helmet paintjob
VC41 Stormtrooper 2nd helmet paintjob, revised euro printed card
VC41 Stormtrooper 2nd helmet paintjob, Revenge print, 4th card version
VC41 Stormtrooper 2nd helmet paintjob, Return print, 4th card version
VC42 Han Solo short and long medal
VC43 Commander Gree
VC44 Luke Dagobah Landing, euro printed card, blue saber only
VC45 Clone Trooper, euro printed card
VC46 AT-RT Driver, euro printed card
VC47 General Lando, euro printed card
VC48 Weequay,short neck, euro printed card
VC49 Fi-Ek Sirch, blue saber only, euro printed card
VC50 Bespin Han Solo 5th card version
VC50 Bespin Han Solo 6th card version
VC51 Barriss Offee 5th card version
VC51 Barriss Offee 6th card version
VC52 Rebel Blockade Trooper 3rd card version
VC52 Rebel Blockade Trooper 4th card version
VC52 Rebel Blockade Trooper 5th card version
VC52 Rebel Blockade Trooper 6th card version
VC53 Bom Vimdin 4th card version
VC53 Bom Vimdin 5th card version
VC53 Bom Vimdin 6th card version
VC54 Arc Trooper 4th card version
VC54 Arc Trooper 5th card version
VC54 Arc Trooper 6th card version
VC55 Logray 3rd card version
VC55 Logray 4th card version
VC55 Logray 5th card version
VC55 Logray 6th card version
VC56 Kithaba 5th card version
VC56 Kithaba red bandana 5th card version
VC56 Kithaba 6th card version
VC57 Dr. Evazan unpainted scar 5th card version
VC57 Dr. Evazan unpainted scar 6th card version
VC58 Aayla Secura 5th card version
VC58 Aayla Secura 6th card version
VC59 Nom Anor 5th card version
VC59 Nom Anor 6th card version
VC60 Clone Trooper 5th card version
VC61 Boba Fett Prototype "Armour" euro printed card
VC62 Han Solo Endor Revenge print, 4th card version
VC62 Han Solo Endor Return print, 4th card version
VC63 Keyan Farlander B-Wing Pilot(Revenge of the Jedi)3rd card version
VC63 Keyan Farlander B-Wing Pilot(Return of the Jedi)4th card version
VC64 Slave Leia Revenge print, 4th card version
VC64 Slave Leia Return print, 4th card version
VC65 Tie Pilot Revenge print, 4th card version
VC65 Tie Pilot Return print, 4th card version
VC68 Echo Base Trooper 3rd card version
VC69 Bastilla Shan 3rd card version
VC70 Ponda Baba 3rd card version
VC71 Mawhonic 5th card version
VC72 Naboo Pilot 5th card version
VC73 Aurra Sing 5th card version
VC74 Gungan Warrior 5th card version
VC75 Qui-Gon Jinn 3rd card version
VC76 Obi-Wan Kenobi 3rd card version
VC77 Ratts Tyerell 3rd card version
VC78 Battle droid 3rd card version
VC79 Darth Sidious 3rd card version
VC80 Anakin Skywalker 3rd card version
VC81 Ben Quadinaros 3rd card version
VC82 Daultay Dofine 3rd card version
VC83 Naboo Royal Guard 3rd card version
VC84 Queen Amidala 3rd card version
VC85 Quinlan Vos 3rd card version
VC86 Darth Maul 3rd card version
VC86 Darth Maul 6th card version
VC87 Luke Skywalker deleted scene 3rd card version
VC87 Luke Skywalker deleted scene 6th card version
VC88 Leia Sandstorm deleted scene 3rd card version
VC89 Lando Sandstorm deleted scene 3rd card version
VC90 Colonel Cracken deleted scene 3rd card version
VC91 Calamari Pilot deleted scene 3rd card version
VC92 Anakin Skywalker 5th card version
VC93 Darth Vader 5th card version
VC93 Darth Vader 6th card version
VC94 Imperial Navy Commander 5th card version
VC95 Luke Skywalker Hoth 5th card version
VC95 Luke Skywalker Hoth 6th card version
VC96 Darth Malgus 5th card version
VC96 Darth Malgus 6th card version
VC97 Clone Pilot Odd Ball 5th card version
VC97 Clone Pilot Odd Ball 6th card version
VC98 Tarkin 5th card version
VC98 Tarkin 6th card version
VC99 Nikto 5th card version
VC99 Nikto 6th card version
VC100 Starkiller 5th card version
VC100 Starkiller 6th card version
VC101 Shae Vizla 5th card version
VC101 Shae Vizla 6th card version
VC102 Ashoka 5th card version
VC103 Obi-Wan Kenobi 5th card version
VC104 Lumat 5th card version
VC105 Emperors Royal Guard 5th card version
VC106 Nien Nunb 5th card version
VC107 Weequay 5th card version
VC108 Jar jar Binks 5th card version
Ep1 Jar jar Binks Lost card design
VC109 Clone Trooper Lieutenant 5th card version
Ep2 Clone Trooper Lieutenant Lost card design
VC110 Shock Trooper 5th card version
Ep3 Shock Trooper Lost card version
VC111 Leia Bespin 5th card version
Ep4 Leia Bespin Lost card version
VC112 Sandtrooper 5th card version
Ep5 Sandtrooper Lost card design
VC113 Republic Trooper 5th card version
VC114 Orrimaarko 5th card version
VC115 Darth Vader 5th card version
Ep6 Darth Vader Lost card design

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."

Edited by - volkerc on 11/03/2013 06:17:35 AM

Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2012 :  2:36:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."

Edited by - volkerc on 11/03/2013 07:25:49 AM
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1685 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2013 :  07:30:16 AM  Show Profile Send CT-1138 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
War bestimmt ne Heidenarbeit.........

Danke Volker. Schicke Auflistung.......

May the force be with you, always.
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Zopfloser Padawan m. sehr grossem Schwert

2142 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2016 :  06:24:44 AM  Show Profile Send titusillu a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CT-1138

War bestimmt ne Heidenarbeit.........

Danke Volker. Schicke Auflistung.......

passend zu Eckis Einstieg in die TVC die Frage: Du hast ausdrücklich die "unpunched" gelistet, heisst dass dann im Umkehrschluß dass die anderen zwar auf Euro erschienen sind aber punched???

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Mandalorian Maniac™

8148 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2016 :  06:42:06 AM  Show Profile  Visit volkerc's Homepage Send volkerc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by titusillu

Originally posted by CT-1138

War bestimmt ne Heidenarbeit.........

Danke Volker. Schicke Auflistung.......

passend zu Eckis Einstieg in die TVC die Frage: Du hast ausdrücklich die "unpunched" gelistet, heisst dass dann im Umkehrschluß dass die anderen zwar auf Euro erschienen sind aber punched???

Korrekt, alle anderen gab es nur punched. Die ersten Cases waren alle punched.

"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum."
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Zopfloser Padawan m. sehr grossem Schwert

2142 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2016 :  01:05:57 AM  Show Profile Send titusillu a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Die ersten Cases waren alle punched.

danke für die Info - ist ja schräg. nicht dass es mich umtreibt, meine TVC ist kraut und rüber US und Euro (und trotzdem nicht ganz komplett :-P). hätt ich nicht gedacht dass es aus dem case heraus gepunchte karten gibt.

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